This summer I had the privilege of attending a very special reunion. I grew up in The Church of the Bible Covenant and have so many wonderful memories. As an infant, I was there when the denomination came into existence, and was also there when the big split took place. As I grew up, I always dreamed of attending our denominational college. After I graduated from high school, I attended Covenant Foundation College for 2 years. I made so many friends, and will always cherish the memories I made in this time. As the denomination folded, the college had to come to an end. I will never forget the pit in my stomach, the tears, the whys I asked God. As I look back, I realize that God uses everything in our life to bring out the best in us if we allow him to do that. The students left and went in all directions; I waited a year and went to G.B.S. Even though I went on with my life, I still missed the people I grew up with and wondered about them a lot. I was so excited to learn that a CFC reunion was being planned for this summer. It was a weekend that I will never forget. We came together as a potpourri of believers and had the time of our lives. Tears, laughter, and stories were heard from all corners of the campus.
The campus is out in the country--so beautiful.
This is a group of us after the Saturday night concert. Different people came on different nights, so I am not sure how many actually attended the reunion.
Rebecca, Johnna, Susan, and I share a laugh.
While I was in a business meeting, Doyle took the kids out in the boat. As you can see, they were having a good time.
Greg Patterson, Kenny Johansen, and Nathan Hann sing in a trio.
Mark Going, Nathan Hann, Johnny Dodrill, and Danny Dubbeld sing in a quartet that brought back a lot of memories.
Rebecca (Patterson) Hoard, Lorraine(Kennedy)Johansen, and I sang in a trio 22 years ago. I have seen both of them through the years, but the 3 of us had not been together since 1986. We had such a good time singing and reminiscing. We even remembered our parts on the songs we sang. We had a blast.
Dr. Ray Easley gave the message Sunday morning. It was so good to hear him speak again. The truth was so practical as he challenged us to go forward for Christ. I left so encouraged.
Ronda gets a hug from Amos Hann.
David and Elva Hann and their kids.
Bro. and Sis. Hann-Precious people.
Milton and Donna Schaper and 2 of their 3 kids.
Teresa and Sharon---They sang with Shirley in a trio when I was a little girl.
When we were in school, we wrote a song for a Valentine's Banquet. We dressed up as sailors and sang "Ship a Boy." We had to sing this one for our husbands.
Rebecca's girl, Emma, had become friends with our girls when they visited us in Florida. They were very glad to see each other again.
The Patterson clan-minus 1.
Here we are with "our catch".
Julianna, Lydia, and Kaitlyn Johansen-another good friend.
We hated to say "good-bye".
I had to put my feet in the water before I left.
Fun on the pond.
Dr. and Mrs. H.C. Emmert made the trip from Oklahoma to be there. It was so good to see them.
Ronda England came over to see me while I was there. It was good to see her again.
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Hann.
We went ice-skating downtown Indianapolis---it seemed a little strange in August.
There will be another reunion in 3 years. Until then, I look forward to keeping in touch with my friends. I left the reunion feeling like I had healed so much emotionally. A big thanks to all of those that made this special week-end happen.