Here is where I found Samuel after the competition. I think the shade felt good.
Julianna takes a rest between activities.
Lydia gets serious about the relay race.
We rested awhile and then got cleaned up to go hear a symphony. This was the first time we had taken the kids to the Lyric Theater in Stuart. The tickets are usually $40, but since Doyle had let the Atlantic Classical Orchestra use the school's instruments for a promotional picture--they wanted to thank him by giving us tickets. I was a little nervous about keeping four kids quiet during a performance, but they were great. The orchestra was joined by The Treasure Coast Youth Symphony for the last number. We know several of the kids in this group and wanted to support them. Everyone did a great job, but we were blown away by a young lady named Caroline Goulding. She was a guest concert violinist from Ohio. She played a lengthy violin concerto totally memorized. I had never heard an adult play as proficient as she did, so I was even more amazed when I found out she was 15. It was incredible. You can check out her website.
Saturday was the women's retreat here at Hobe Sound Bible Church. Sarah (Wolf)Fry was the guest speaker. She did a wonderful job talking to us about Living for Jesus in the real world. It was very encouraging and inspiring. I have been able to share some of the truths that she presented to us. It is so neat to see how God is using her to help others. I remember her because I watched her grow up while I was at G.B.S. I feel kinda old.
Well, I got home from the retreat in time to get everyone ready to go to another concert at our church. I must digress here to say that Doyle was very glad to see me when I came home. I opened the van door and was licked on the leg----by our dog. I thought you would like that one. The dog was out of the back yard because they were giving her a bath. Doyle had also mowed the yard, and got some other things done. Three of the kids were playing in the water and one was in the bathtub. He said, "Oh Sherilyn, I am so glad to see you. It has been one thing after another all day long. Daddy do this, Daddy I need you. How do you do it?" I just smiled and looked at the dripping kids on the back porch waiting to come in. Take that back, I didn't just smile, I said to him. "That is why we go on these retreats. Even if we never learned anything, We know that our husbands appreciate us more when we come back." Doyle is extremely good with the kids and he tells me often how much he appreciates and loves me. I feel very blessed to have him as my husband. He gladly told me that I was now on duty and he went outside to finish the yard. It could be my imagination, but I think he took his time out there.
So, after we got the kids cleaned up again, we took them to hear the Florida Salvation Army Band at our church. This was the last concert of our concert series here at H.S.B.C. It was an all brass/percussion band and we really enjoyed ourselves. It was extremely interesting to learn the history of the Salvation Army and to hear stories of how God is using them. They played some really neat pieces, and we left feeling inspired again.
Dr. Peak gives one last "Thank You" to the Salvation Army Band.
Whew!! I feel tired just telling you all this. It is no wonder I was exhausted on Monday. I will save one more story about an inspirational kid for my next post.
Our weekend wasn't quite as insane as yours but busy too and I felt wiped out on Monday, sounds like I wasn't alone!
Enjoyed your post...sounds like a busy but fun weekend! How nice for you to go to the women's retreat...I'm sure that Sarah did a great job of speaking! She is such a neat person! I hope that you came back refreshed and ready to be the wonderful "wife" and "mommy" that I am sure you are! I know that your husband appreciates you even more!! ha! Hope to see you at I.H.C.!
I agree with you that it's important to go away so that we can be more appreciated! We have been to the Lyric many times with the kids. They have a school program where the tickets are $5 each for homeschoolers. We have seen some great programs there! I'm so sad that I wasn't able to attend the session with Sarah Fry. It sounds like it was awesome!
Great post Sherilyn...I was laughing as I read it to Tom. We too are amazed at how much Doyle loves his kids. He just has a blast with them. You truly are blessed. And on another note, I really enjoyed your devotional at the Women's Retreat. You really inspired me to work harder on my personal devotions. And the Lord is helping me. See ya.
Sounds like your weekend was busy, but wonderful! I'm so glad you enjoyed the Women's Retreat. I would have liked to hear Sarah, as well as you, speak. I'm sure it was a good day! I hope to see you at IHC!
Wow, slow down would you?!:) Sounds like you had a very nice time! What would our husbands do without us?!
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