Samuel is our 8 year old guy. He is all boy and loves the outdoors. He is always bringing baby lizards to the back door to show me. I'm amazed at how he can catch these critters. Samuel will begin 3rd grade this fall. He does well in school and we are very pleased with his love for God. I really value the times he comes to share the details of his day with me. He wants to do right and is very sensitive to be honest.
Samuel recently saved his money for "Heelys." It takes him awhile to make up his mind but once it is made up, he feels good about his decision. They were pricey so Doyle and Samuel did a lot of research before buying. The big day came, but when he got to the store, he was 3 dollars short. Dad paid the last remaining bucks, but Samuel would not even put them on until he had come home and worked the money off by doing odd jobs. I saw him out there pulling weeds and my heart was happy.
He went into a store with me last week. We left the rest of the family in the van while I "quickly" checked out the bargains. He could tell that I was having trouble leaving the store and said, "Mom, if you will close your eyes, I will lead you out." You have to love a kid that is so helpful.
What a wonderful young man!! I'm sure your heart is proud!! I remember seeing him help his daddy pull those weeds! And first enjoying those heelys! :)
Where do you find those baby lizards? Are they cute? I can't wait to see you when you come.
Love, Melanie
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